Our Services

Our Services

What we offer

We test for a range of potentially harmful food-borne micro-organisms, including pathogens and spoilage organisms. Testing for the presence of potentially harmful micro-organisms is crucial to ensure our client’s protect their customers and their brand, and ensure that they fully comply with all relevant food safety regulations.


International Standards

We are staffed by a team of highly trained and experienced professionals who are guided by globally accepted test methodologies to provide excellent service to our clients.

In order to meet the growing needs of our valued clients, particularly those that trade with regional and international counterparts, Caribbean Bio-Techni Laboratories Limited made the decision in January 2019 to align our company to international standards.

We have made great progress towards our accreditation to the Standard: ISO/IEC 17025:2018, and had initially planned to undergo a preliminary assessment by TTLABS in the first half of 2020. However, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic this has been postponed to a later date.

Despite this setback, we are committed to operating within International Standards and are continuing our efforts towards our Accreditation goals.